Sunday, September 10, 2017

Feedback Strategies: Week 3

Be a Mirror: Link By Gravity Goldberg

"Once we have gained important information about a student reader, we can give feedback that shows students what they are doing and the results of that work." 

This quote is the gist of the "Be a Mirror" article. The point is to give feedback in a way that is void of judgement but full of what the receiver is doing correctly and the process in which they are doing it. The part about taking yourself out of the feedback is interesting as well. 

Criticizing Praise: Link By Valerie Strauss

I think I am often culprit of "patting" people on the head when I try to encourage them. Even though it may be full of good intention, I understand how praise can be taken as patronizing by the receiver. She does mention Dweck and how it can also be harmful to praise the effort put into a task as it can be taken as an indication that the receiver is incompetent. I would say that if a person giving me feedback had only something to say about my effort, I would not appreciate it.
Image result for praise is bad
Caption: Be aware

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